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10 Tricks to Look Younger in Minutes!

10 Tricks to Look Younger in Minutes!

Enjoy these make up artist secrets and look instantly younger 1) Be bold with colour. Don’t be nervous about trying something a little different. Sticking to the same safe neutral, tan and brown tones for your makeup, can start to look dull and lifeless. A splash of instant colour can change your whole look, making your complexion appear healthier and more youthful.   2) Prepare for your foundation by applying moisturiser first  Missing out this step means that your skin will absorb the moisture from your foundation and can leave it looking patchy or flaky. 3) Go for gold in your foundation if you’re over age 45 Gold tones help to neutralise redness, and uneven skin tone while reducing any gray pallor. An instant and easy fix to look healthier and younger. 4) Calm down with the foundation Use a combination of concealer and foundation so that you avoid trying to cover everything with your foundation which can accentuates wrinkles and doesn’t look natural. Less is definitely more. 6) Reduce your powder if you’re over age 50, unless you have oily skin Powders have a habit of settling into your wrinkles, making you look older as well as clinging to facial down accentuating facial hair.  7) Choose a shadow colour that is the opposite of your eye colour This makeup trick will bring out the colour of your eyes. If you have blue eyes, wear a shade that has brown, copper, bronze, plum or terracotta tones. Enhance brown eyes with blues, purples and greens.  8) Line the upper inner rims (waterlines) of your eyes with a dark waterproof colour. This easy tip will help your eyes look more open, fresh and awake!   9) Dab a bit of Vaseline or shiny lip gloss on the middle of your lower lip This gives the appearance of a fuller mouth, which makes you look younger. Try to avoid dark colours, which make lips look smaller.  10) For instantly younger looking eyes try The Eyelift Kit – in just 2 minutes eye lines and wrinkles disappear Kits start at just $29 with free delivery worldwide 

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The Best Exercise for Anti-Ageing

The Best Exercise for Anti-Ageing

We're often told about the benefits for exercise for a multitude of diseases but now researches have found that certain types of training are also great for reversing the declining ability of our cells to generate energy. A recent New Scientist article explained how Sreekumaran Nair at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota assigned two groups of people (1 group between 18-30 years and 1 group aged between 65 and 80) a course of either weight training, high intensity interval training (HIIT) or a combination of both.  The results showed that interval training boosted the energy rate of the mitochondria within cells by 49 percent in the younger age group and 69 per cent in the older group. A reduction in mitochondrial activity can aggravate fatigue and also be a risk factor for diabetes so these results were certainly significant. "After 3 months of interval training, everything converged towards what we saw in young people" says Nair. Those doing regular interval training also saw surges in lung, heart and circulation health. The amount of oxygen they could inhale and consume rose by 28 per cent for the younger group and 17 per cent for the older participants. The group doing weight training gained muscle mass but didn't benefit from the mitochondrial and respiratory benefits, whereas the group with a combination routine saw only intermediate results. So, looks like if you want to keep fit and healthy for a long as possible, HIIT is the way to go! 

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What Can We Do About Cellulite?

What Can We Do About Cellulite?

A blight on our buttocks, hips and thighs, the dreaded cellulite is estimated to affect around 90% of women after puberty. But what exactly is it and can we do anything to get rid of it? Cellulite is actually a term to describe fat deposits under the skin. These particular deposits look dimpled because the surrounding connective tissue is weakened and therefore fills more easily with fat. The fat cells, often enlarged with age, then push through the connecting fibres of the skin producing a dimpled or "cottage cheese" effect on the surface. The condition affects far more women than men and although is considered medically harmless, it can create a lot of concern and stress to those who suffer from it.  Weight loss and exercise doesn't always solve the problem as cellulite can be found on even the fittest and most slender bodies. However, lack of efficient circulation from a sedentary lifestyle or nutritional deficiencies can sometimes be a contributory factor and accelerate the formation of cellulite so movement is important. Increasing the circulation is the motivation behind most products available to help combat the signs of cellulite. Skin brushing and massage may help and products to speed up the circulation can also be of benefit and help to reduce built up toxins as well. Many products targeting cellulite use caffeine as a stimulant to fight the fat cells but this can be counter productive as it introduces toxins to the area. The Karin Herzog Silhouette Cream works in a totally different way as it utilises the power of oxygen to blast through the skin, dispel the toxins with micro massage and stimulate the lymphatic system to remove any debris. The result is a fresh and refined skin with reduced appearance of cellulite.    So good - even Kylie loves it!      Learn more about Karin Herzog's amazing Silhouette Cream here.  

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